If your child is suffering from Neuroblastoma, you should talk with him or her about the possible symptoms. The doctor can explain the treatment options and discuss the risks involved. Symptoms of Neuroblastoma can be frightening and you should always keep in mind that he or she is still a child. You will also be asked about your child's health and your own. This information will help you understand more about the disease and its treatment.
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Treatment options for neuroblastoma can vary from treatment to treatment. They may include surgery, high-dose chemotherapy or radiation, and a stem cell transplant. Your doctor will discuss the risks of each option and how to minimize them. You will need ongoing follow-up care after treatment. Some treatments may cause side effects, so make sure to talk with your doctor about all of your options. There are also support groups for children and their families at many hospitals and cancer centers.
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Some symptoms of neuroblastoma may include weakness in the legs and uncontrollable movement of the feet and legs. You should talk to your child's doctor if you suspect neuroblastoma, as some of the symptoms may also be caused by other medical conditions. If you notice your child experiencing any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately to rule out other conditions. You should not wait to get a diagnosis of neuroblastoma.
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When you are suspicious of a tumor in your child's bones, your doctor may suggest a bone marrow biopsy or a bone marrow aspiration. These procedures use a needle to remove a sample of the tumor. The cells in the tissue are examined under a microscope for neuroblastoma features. Sometimes, your child's catecholamine levels may not be elevated, which is an indicator that the tumor is not present in his or her bone marrow. However, the latter tests can be performed even if catecholamine levels are normal.
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Other neuroblastoma symptoms may include abdominal mass, swollen abdomen, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. If the tumor has spread to other parts of the body, it can press on the spinal cord. This can result in paralysis or pain. Sometimes, tumors may produce a substance that causes inflammation in the kidneys or bloodstream and results in high blood pressure or even diarrhea. These symptoms are usually harmless or temporary, but they may require treatment to ensure the survival of the patient.
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Other symptoms of neuroblastoma include a large lump in the abdomen, numbness in the legs, and pain in the tummy. A child may also complain of feeling full but does not want to eat. Usually, the lump is not painful. However, your child should not refuse to eat if he or she notices the lump. If this does occur, consult a physician immediately.
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Neuroblastoma typically spreads to bones. If your child has symptoms of bone pain, it's a good idea to seek medical care as soon as possible. However, it is also possible for the tumor to spread to the spinal cord. In this case, it could compress the spinal cord, resulting in weakness or even paralysis in the legs and arms. Additionally, the cancer may spread to bones in the eye socket or to the skull. If the cancer has spread to the bone, you may also notice bumps under the scalp or under the eyelids.
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The signs and symptoms of neuroblastoma are common in children, and the early detection is crucial. If you have a suspicion that your child has neuroblastoma, it's important to talk to your child's doctor. He or she can help you determine the treatment option that's right for your child. The treatment for neuroblastoma is not terminal but should be monitored for signs and symptoms.
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In stage 4S, the tumor has spread to distant organs and lymph nodes. Surgical removal of the tumour is not possible. However, it's important to note that this type of cancer is highly treatable, and it can even shrink on its own. Although the disease is not curable in all cases, the treatment option depends on the tumour's size, location, and biology. If your child's tumor is in the bone marrow, radiation therapy is often used to shrink it.
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The treatment for neuroblastoma depends on its risk level. Some tumors go away on their own, while others need surgery and chemotherapy. Children with intermediate-risk neuroblastoma often undergo chemotherapy and surgery. However, the number of chemotherapy treatments depends on the risk factors and response to treatment. If your child is diagnosed with a high-risk neuroblastoma, he or she may need radiation therapy.