Depending on the location and size of the tumor, neuroblastoma can cause many different symptoms. Common symptoms include a mass or swollen abdomen, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, and bone pain. If the cancer has spread to bones, your child may experience weakness or paralysis of the arms and legs. Other symptoms can include a high blood pressure or an autoimmune response, uncontrolled eye movements, and diarrhea.
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When a tumor develops in a child's head or neck, it is often accompanied by other symptoms. The child may experience difficulty breathing or drooping eyelids, a small pupil, and sweating on one side of the face. Pain in the back or bones, uncontrolled eye movements, and trouble with balance are also signs of neuroblastoma. During a prenatal ultrasound, doctors can determine the type of neuroblastoma a child has.
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While most children do not show any neuroblastoma symptoms, some children may have several different types of the disease. Children with neuroblastoma may also have an abdominal lump or other signs of tumor growth. Children with neuroblastoma may also complain of a swollen abdomen or belly pain. However, most children with neuroblastoma do not experience pain with these symptoms. However, it is important to see a doctor at the first signs of neuroblastoma.
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If the symptoms are present, a child may need a bone biopsy. The biopsy will remove a sample of tumor tissue and examine it under a microscope. The result of this test will tell the doctor if the cancer has spread or not. This test will also provide a better understanding of the child's prognosis. It is important to note that there are a number of different treatment options for neuroblastoma.
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While the symptoms of neuroblastoma are often similar to those of other illnesses, their severity depends on the tumor's location, size, and spread. Some symptoms may be caused by a condition other than neuroblastoma, so it is important to visit a doctor for further diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, your child can begin treatment. The disease outlook for neuroblastoma is higher than 95% in many cases.
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The most common neurological tumor in children is neuroblastoma, which begins in nerve tissue. Most often, it grows in the abdomen, but it can also form in the adrenal glands or in the chest, pelvis, and neck. While neuroblastoma is a relatively rare cancer, it is often present at a young age, and is most common in children younger than five. Neuroblastoma can spread to lymph nodes, bone marrow, and the spine.
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The treatment for neuroblastoma can include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Sometimes, high-dose chemotherapy or radiation with a stem-cell transplant may also be prescribed. In some cases, neuroblastoma treatment may also involve the use of immunotherapy or chemotherapy to fight the cancer cells. While this form of treatment can be aggressive, it is usually the first option for neuroblastoma patients. However, it is important to note that some children do not respond to this treatment.
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Children with neuroblastoma will need ongoing care during their lifetime. Their doctors will examine them with imaging tests and will monitor the child's progress over time. If the disease is still in the early stages, your child will require therapy to manage the symptoms. Physical and occupational therapists may help. Nutritional counseling may be necessary as well. You will need to visit your pediatrician regularly to get regular updates on your child's progress.
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Surgical treatment is also an option for children with neuroblastoma. Some children can be safely treated without surgery. Surgery may be necessary to remove the tumor or to perform a biopsy. Although some neuroblastomas are curable and can be removed without surgery, most need to be removed surgically. The treatment may be accompanied by chemotherapy. The choice of the treatment depends on the type of neuroblastoma and the child's risk category.
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Lymph nodes are bean-shaped collections of immune cells located in your body. When cancer has spread to these nodes, they can swell and become visible. They are also felt as lumps under the skin and are normally located in the neck, above the collarbone, under the arm, and the groin. However, if you have lymph nodes in your child, this could be a sign of infection. Consult your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms.
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A tumor in the body's nervous tissue is called a neuroblastoma. These tumors are usually formed in the developing cells of the sympathetic nervous system, which controls many important bodily functions. The tumor is most often located in the adrenal gland, which is located on top of each kidney. It may also develop in the spine, lymph nodes, or bones. In these cases, it is very difficult to detect until it has spread to other parts of the body.