If you think you may have this type of cancer, you should know how to recognize the symptoms. Your doctor will order a PET scan, which uses radioactive glucose to take pictures of your body. The scan will reveal tumors, which are brighter than normal cells. This type of test can also help detect any spread of the cancer to the lymph nodes or lungs. This test is available through a clinical trial at NYU Langone.
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Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer. Chemotherapy involves using drugs to destroy cancer cells and shrink the affected area. These drugs are given either by mouth or intravenously and travel through the bloodstream. Treatments may also include targeted drug therapy (TDT), which targets abnormalities in the cancer cells in order to kill them. Nasopharyngeal cancer can also be treated surgically. In some cases, the cancerous nodes are removed and a tumor can be placed in their place.
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The nasopharynx can be surgically removed by a skilled surgeon. Surgical techniques are intricate and complex, and require expertise. A head and neck surgeon with experience in this type of surgery uses thin surgical instruments and flexible fiber-optic scopes to remove tumors in the nasopharynx. Cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, so neck dissection is sometimes necessary.
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Among other signs of the disease, small lymph nodes may swell. These lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures located in the neck. The lymphatic system circulates lymph, a fluid containing white blood cells that fight infection. When the lymph nodes become inflamed, it can press on the Eustachian tubes that connect the nasopharynx to the middle ear. The swelling of these nodes may cause hearing loss.
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Those who drink heavy alcohol and smoke cigarettes can also be at greater risk for developing nasopharyngeal cancer. The cancer is more common in countries bordering South China and Southeast Asia than in the US. It is also more common in immigrants to the US than in American-born Asians. Approximately 80% of nasopharyngeal cancer patients already have a neck metastasis by the time they are diagnosed. Because the lymphatic system is rich in lymph nodes, the disease can spread to the lung, liver, or bone.
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After the diagnosis, treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer typically consists of chemotherapy and radiation. These treatments may cause temporary or permanent side effects. They are administered through a drip that is placed in a vein. The treatment is given over several months, and patients should be aware of the side effects associated with the treatment. Although the symptoms of the disease may vary from person to person, the healthcare team will try to provide the best possible treatment options to relieve the discomfort and discomforts that you may experience.
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The symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer can be difficult to recognize unless it is detected in its early stages. If you experience frequent stuffy nose or cough, it is likely that you have nasopharyngeal cancer. Your doctor may also perform a biopsy to determine whether there are cancerous cells. During this procedure, a small piece of tissue is removed from the nasopharynx. Under a microscope, this sample can reveal whether it is cancerous or not.
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Although nasopharyngeal cancer is relatively rare, it can spread to other areas of the body, including the brain, bones, and lymph nodes. It can even spread to distant organs, such as the lungs and liver. For this reason, it is important to seek early diagnosis and treatment. If left untreated, it can cause permanent damage to the body. In addition to the symptoms described above, you should consult with a medical professional to ensure that the cancer has not spread too far.
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After you've been diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal cancer, your doctor will likely order imaging studies to confirm the diagnosis and determine the exact type of treatment you need. You may undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments in order to eradicate the cancer cells. It is important to be proactive when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. You can prevent the symptoms of this disease by identifying them early. You can also seek a specialist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
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Generally, nasopharyngeal cancer is found in men, but women are more likely to develop it than men. The symptoms of the condition vary from person to person. Often, it involves an examination of the throat and a biopsy. During this examination, your doctor will also determine whether there are any other underlying conditions that may be causing the symptoms. In some cases, patients may be referred to a neck lump clinic for further testing.