Fortunately, Nasopharyngeal Cancer Symptom Checkups are often inexpensive and quick to complete. A primary care physician will ask you questions about your health and symptoms, perform a physical examination, and check for any possible masses in your neck. They may also order medical imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging, or other tests as necessary. Nasopharyngeal cancer symptoms are similar to those of other conditions, such as throat cancer and thyroid disease.
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A lump on the back of the neck is one of the most common nasopharyngeal cancer symptoms. These lumps are not painful, but they will swell if the cancer has spread to lymph nodes. Another symptom of the disease is ringing in the ears. Some patients may also experience a numbness or tingling in the face, which is common among a number of diseases. However, Nasopharyngeal Cancer is a very rare disease and is not diagnosed until the cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the neck.
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Treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer is dependent on the stage of the disease, the goals of treatment, and the overall health of the patient. Often, nasopharyngeal cancer is treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy beams to kill cancer cells. The treatment is most often external beam radiation, where a large machine maneuvers around the patient to deliver the radiation to a specific spot.
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If the symptoms of Nasopharyngeal Cancer are present, it is best to get immediate medical attention. Early diagnosis means better prognosis for the patient. An early diagnosis is essential because it can be cured with a cure. If left untreated, Nasopharyngeal Cancer Symptoms - What To Do
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Radiation therapy may be the only option for small nasopharyngeal tumors. The doctor may also recommend concomitant therapy. Radiation therapy has many side effects, including temporary skin redness, dry mouth, and hearing loss. The treatment may also involve internal radiation therapy, which involves inserting radioactive wires or seeds inside the tumor. If chemotherapy does not work, surgery may be the only option.
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Although nasopharyngeal cancer is rare, screenings are available to help identify it early. People who have high risk of developing the disease may receive blood tests to check for the Epstein-Barr virus. This may help them make an informed decision about whether or not they need to see a specialist. The specialist doctor may even refer them to a neck lump clinic. The goal of the screening is to identify whether any of the symptoms are a sign of nasopharyngeal cancer.
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Advanced nasopharyngeal cancer treatments, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy, may cure the disease. The good news is that most cases are curable if detected early. But the survival rate depends on the type of nasopharyngeal cancer and its location and stage. On average, patients survive six months to five years with early treatment. Unfortunately, survival rates do not apply to everyone, and they cannot be predicted in advance.
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The risk of nasopharyngeal cancer is high for people who drink a lot of alcohol and who have a family history of the disease. Although nasopharyngeal cancer is uncommon in western countries, the risks of developing this type of cancer are higher for Asian immigrants and Inuits. If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, it is time to see a doctor.
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The most important step in detecting this cancer is getting an accurate diagnosis. The doctor can order imaging tests and a CT scan to check for any abnormal clusters of cells in the head and neck. Depending on the location of the tumor, a PET scan may be combined with CT scans to provide a more accurate anatomic localization. The stage of the cancer determines the type of treatment options available to the patient.
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Blood chemistry tests and diagnostic procedures can be used to diagnose nasopharyngeal cancer. During these tests, your doctor will look for the presence of a tumor by analyzing the blood chemistry and examining the throat and neck. Biopsies may be performed after the tests. Some nasopharyngeal cancer patients may even have an Epstein-Barr virus infection.
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External radiotherapy uses high-energy radiation beams to target the tumor. One type of external radiotherapy uses different angles to deliver radiation. This therapy aims to maximize the dose to the tumor while minimizing the effects to surrounding healthy tissue. The other type of radiation therapy uses radioactive seeds or needles. The radiation beams are delivered through a catheter or wire. Depending on the type of cancer, either method can be used to treat the cancer.