The Nasal Cavity and the Paranasal Sinus are two spaces in the nose that are lined with cells that produce mucus, a natural fluid that keeps the nose moist. The nose also contains a layer of cells called the nasal septum. Both the nose and the sinuses produce mucus that affects the voice when we talk. If any of these spaces develops cancer, the symptoms of this disease can be a warning sign.
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While average survival rates don't tell us how long a patient will live, they do indicate the likelihood that cancer may have spread to the face or neck. At the Miami Cancer Institute, experts in Oral, Head and Neck Cancer use cutting-edge research to create precise treatment plans. In addition to their clinical expertise, they work closely with world-renowned cancer researchers to develop the most advanced cancer treatments. In addition to treatments, the experts at the Miami Cancer Institute will discuss lifestyle changes, diet, and environmental factors that can contribute to the development of this cancer.
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Fortunately, there are some symptoms of this cancer that are specific to the disease. Although paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer symptoms are unique, many may also be symptoms of other diseases. Therefore, if you notice any of these symptoms, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. In addition, the early detection of this cancer improves the chances of a successful treatment.
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Early diagnosis of nasal cavity and sinus cancer is essential for patients suffering from the disease. Earlier diagnosis leads to better outcomes and a better chance of survival. Because the disease is rare, healthcare providers may not suspect it in their initial visits. However, if you think you may have a risk factor, raise the issue with your healthcare provider. They can help you make the right decision for your treatment.
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Typically, the sinuses in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are filled with air. However, a small percentage of these cavities become filled with mucus and other fluids, preventing them from functioning correctly. In fact, the most common site of paranasal sinus cancer is the maxillary sinus. Ninety percent of these cancers are squamous cell carcinoma.
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Treatment for sinus cancer can range from surgery to chemotherapy. Early detection of the disease may only require surgery to remove the tumor, but if it has spread, the treatment may involve radiation therapy or chemotherapy to shrink the cancer. Proton therapy, for example, may be effective for treating the disease. Sometimes, chemotherapy or radiation therapy is combined with surgery. The treatment is usually short, with patients not having to suffer through painful side effects.
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The most common form of treatment for sinus cancer is surgery. In many cases, tumors can be surgically removed through the nose, using an endoscope (a thin, lighted tube) to remove the cancer. This procedure requires only minimal scarring, and is the best option if the cancer is not spread to other areas of the face. However, it may be necessary for some patients to undergo an incision in the side of the nose.