When you have cancer in your nose, it is vital to know your symptoms. If you have any of the following conditions, you should consult your doctor for a thorough evaluation. Nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer symptoms may be caused by a variety of factors. These factors include the size and location of the tumor. Listed below are some of the most common symptoms.
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The nose is the first line of defense against nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer. The nose is a hollow area that sits behind the throat, above and behind the roof of the mouth. It has two openings - one on each side of the nose - called the nostrils. The nostrils help warm and moisten the air that we breathe in. In addition to being a barrier to infections, the nose and sinuses produce mucus, which is essential to breathing.
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Fortunately, there are treatments that slow the growth of the cancer and extend the quality of life. Early diagnosis is critical in helping patients avoid further complications. However, these treatments are only available in very rare cases. Fortunately, these cancers are extremely rare, and it is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you might have the disease.
While the symptoms of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer are similar to those of a cold, they often persist for several months, making it difficult to make a diagnosis early.
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While the causes of both paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer are unclear, there are several known risk factors that increase the risk of developing the disease. Exposure to radiation and toxic chemicals may affect the DNA of the cells in the nasal cavity. However, most people with a risk factor do not show any symptoms until the disease has reached a certain size. Fortunately, most paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancers do not cause symptoms before they reach a certain size.
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Because of the lack of specific symptoms, paranasal sinus cancer is often detected in an advanced stage. Therefore, it is crucial to have an initial history, and physical examination that identifies any signs of orbital extension or base of skull involvement. A complete cranial nerve examination will assess the severity of the local disease and a biopsy will be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. An endoscopic biopsy is usually necessary for confirmation of the diagnosis.
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Treatment options for nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer depend on the location and extent of the tumor. Surgical removal is the most common form of treatment for the disease. However, patients may also receive radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or both. These treatments are very effective in treating sinus cancer and can reduce the chances of the cancer recurrence. In some cases, chemotherapy and radiation therapy can be used to shrink tumors before or after surgery.
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Symptoms of the condition vary depending on the type of tumor and its location. Most paranasal and nasal cavity cancers are caused by squamous cell carcinomas. Symptoms of these conditions are similar to those of other illnesses. Therefore, it is important to seek medical advice and undergo tests if you suspect that you may have nasal cavity cancer. So, what are the signs and symptoms?
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The first step in detecting cancer in the nasal cavity and sinuses is a biopsy. A sample of tumor tissue is removed, and a pathologist will examine it to determine the type of cancer. If there is any suspicious area, special X-rays will reveal its depth and spread. Once the pathologist determines the type of cancer, they can determine the stage, which describes how far the cancer has spread. From here, treatment recommendations can be made.
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Other signs of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer include pressure in the face, blocked sinuses, headaches, nosebleeds, and ear pain. As the tumor invades other parts of the body, different symptoms will manifest. Tumor invasion of the orbit may cause proptosis and diplopia, while invasion of the masseteric area may result in facial swelling and nerve damage.