If you're suffering from cancer of the nose and sinuses, you may be looking for the first signs. Fortunately, there are a number of symptoms associated with these types of cancer. These include: bleeding, difficulty breathing, and pain on the affected side of the face. If these symptoms sound like you, it may be time to see a doctor. Your doctor can help you understand which symptoms may be indicative of the presence of cancer in your sinuses.
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While there is no single cause of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer, risk factors can significantly increase your risk of developing the disease. These risk factors may include genetics and environmental factors. While exposure to certain chemicals or dust may increase your risk, certain lifestyle factors can help reduce your risk. By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of developing these types of cancer.
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Early signs of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer may be hard to detect. In fact, symptoms may not be evident until the tumour has spread into the surrounding tissues. These early signs may also be caused by a deviated septum or allergies. You may not even be aware that you have the disease if your doctor has never recommended it to you. So, it's important to be proactive and seek treatment as soon as you detect any symptoms.
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Early symptoms of paranasal sinus cancer may be the first sign to seek treatment. It may take months for a diagnosis to be made, but it is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms. Early detection will reduce the chance of the cancer returning or spreading to another part of the body. It is important to recognize any unusual changes in your health and ask for a consultation with your doctor if you suspect you may have a malignancy.
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Nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer are types of head and neck cancer. The cancer cells that form in these tissues are called squamous cells. These cells are flat and form a thin layer on the surface of the head and neck. Symptoms of this type of cancer include difficulty swallowing, mouth sores, and pain. The cancer can also spread into the throat and mouth.
Treatment of the disease depends on the stage of the disease and where it is located.
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Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are common treatments. If you have an early stage of cancer, your doctor may only perform surgery to remove the tumor. For more advanced cases, your doctor may recommend a combination of treatments, which may include surgery and radiation. The side effects associated with each treatment may vary, so your doctor will advise you based on your individual needs.
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Upon diagnosis, the tumor may have spread to distant areas. Generally, cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses does not spread to bone or lymph nodes. Therefore, treatment options are dependent on the stage and the extent of the disease. Once it has spread to the lymph nodes, however, it can no longer be removed surgically. You may also be offered alternative treatments.
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Nasal cavity and sinus cancer is often diagnosed with a biopsy. During this procedure, a small portion of the cancer is removed and examined by a pathologist. Special X-rays may be performed to provide more information about the depth and spread of the cancer. The pathologist's findings will help your doctor decide on treatment options for you. A biopsy is an important step in diagnosis. If the tumor is in a critical or advanced stage, treatment will be adapted to fit your individual situation.
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The cancer of the nasal cavity is 10% of all head and neck cancers, primarily squamous cell and adenocarcinoma. The most common clinical sign of nasal cavity and sinus cancer is nasal obstruction. Tumors may cause symptoms like epistaxis or rhinorrhea. If the cancer is operable, the doctor may choose to remove the tumor by making an incision in the side of the nose.