Myelodysplastic syndromes are the result of an abnormal development of blood cells. Normally, bone marrow is where these cells are produced. However, in certain individuals, the bone marrow does not produce enough mature blood cells, resulting in a low count of these cells. These immature blood cells, called blasts, die in the bone marrow and blood, leaving less space for healthy blood cells. This lack of healthy blood cells can lead to infection, anemia, and easy bleeding.
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Treatment for myelodysplastic syndromes is highly individualized and is dependent on the type and severity of the disease. Generally, supportive care and drug therapy are used to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and improve the quality of life of patients. In some cases, aggressive chemotherapy, followed by stem cell transplant, can be used to cure the condition. The PDQ cancer information summary contains up-to-date information about myelodysplastic syndromes and their treatments. It does not provide formal guidelines for treatment, but provides current information to help patients and their families understand the condition.
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People with myelodysplastic syndromes may also develop leukemia or pre-leukemia. While patients with myelodysplastic syndromes are generally older than age 40, some develop the condition in childhood. While there is no known cause for primary MDS, secondary MDS can develop after radiation therapy or chemotherapy. In both cases, the DNA damage may be enough to lead to the development of myelodysplasia a decade later.
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Rarely, RARS can progress to leukemia. However, in such cases, the patient's life expectancy is only a few months after diagnosis. Rarely, people with this disease may live for a long time. There are two main types of myelodysplastic syndromes: unilineage dysplasia and refractory cytopenia. For people with RCMD, the abnormalities in the blood marrow result in an excess of blasts.
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In both cases, the bone marrow does not produce enough healthy blood cells. This results in a lack of red, white, and platelets in the blood. The results of this deficiency can be varied and can include a variety of symptoms. Treatment for this disorder aims to manage the symptoms and slow the disease's progression. Patients with MDS may require blood transfusions, blood medications, and bone marrow transplant.
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A physician can perform rudimentary blood tests to diagnose and monitor the disease. Regular blood tests will reveal the presence of this condition in early stages. The symptoms of MDS may include fatigue and breathing problems. Treatment will also slow the disease's progression. There are currently no known cures, but a variety of medications available today may help manage the symptoms and ease the suffering. The following Myelodysplastic Syndromes Symptoms
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The main symptoms of MDS include the failure of bone marrow to produce enough blood cells. The patient's bone marrow becomes full of immature blood cells, which spill out into the bloodstream. The low number of healthy blood cells makes it difficult for the patient to fight off infections. In some cases, the condition can be deadly. If untreated, the patient can experience leukemia or develop a stem cell transplant.
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Treatment for MDS is individualized and depends on the severity of the symptoms. Patients with low-risk MDS may not require treatment. Regular blood tests will determine whether treatment is necessary. Patients with deletion 5q, also called del(5q), may require blood transfusions. Lenalidomide, a biological therapy that affects the immune system, and azacitidine, a hypomethylating agent, may be prescribed.
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Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) patients are anemic upon diagnosis. Because their hemoglobin and hematocrit levels are low, they have low levels of oxygen in their bodies. Many patients experience fatigue and weakness. The degree of anemia varies from mild to severe. Anemia may lead to fatigue, pale skin, and increased susceptibility to infection. If anemia continues, the patient may also experience shortness of breath and heart palpitations.
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The symptoms of Myelodysplastic Syndromes include low red blood cell count, anemia, and iron deposition in the bone marrow. Early red blood cells with an iron ring in them are called ring sideroblasts. This disease affects more than one type of blood cells. If you experience any of these symptoms, see a doctor to get a diagnosis. There are treatments available to help manage the symptoms and slow the progression of this disease.
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The most common symptom of MDS is anaemia. In fact, over eight in ten people with MDS have some form of anemia. In addition to fatigue, anemia can also cause bruising, spontaneous bleeding, or skin dots. Low white blood cells also increase the risk of infections. A patient with MDS may also experience recurrent infections. If the infection isn't treated, the patient's symptoms may worsen.