People with metastatic cancer should schedule follow-up checkups regularly to make sure there are no signs of metastases. Although some people will not develop symptoms of metastatic cancer, these symptoms can signal a cancer diagnosis. These symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, and other signs of the disease. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your health care provider for an evaluation. Your healthcare provider will prescribe treatment if they believe you have the disease.
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The most common symptoms of metastatic cancer are pain and swelling of the limbs. A person with this condition may experience intense pain and become prone to fractures. Additionally, they may feel dizziness and headaches. They may experience optical blackouts or periods of disorientation. They may also develop difficulty with movement, lose their sense of balance, or develop other cognitive symptoms. For many people, the symptoms of metastatic cancer are unpredictable and difficult to identify.
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The earliest signs of metastatic cancer may be lumps or hardened skin. Patients with primary cancer will have periodic scans to monitor their overall health. These scans can detect metastatic cancer symptoms and track their progression. Some scans are X-rays, computer tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Depending on the location of your metastatic cancer, your healthcare provider may suggest treatment based on the specific symptoms that you experience.
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Other symptoms of metastatic cancer include intense pain in limbs, increased susceptibility to fractures, and pain in the brain. In some cases, metastatic cancer can be localized, or it can affect the entire body. Some people experience headaches, fatigue, and swollen legs. They may experience a loss of sense of balance, and they may even be prone to optical blackouts. Oftentimes, these symptoms are accompanied by personality changes or memory problems.
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Hematogenous metastases, or a tumor that has spread outside the body, are usually multiple and located in areas far away from the primary tumor. Most cancers that have metastasized to the lungs are malignant tumors of the ovary or breast. In addition, these cancers can also spread to the pancreas, liver, or kidney. Some of these metastases can cause neurological symptoms like headaches and nausea.
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If you have metastasized cancer in the liver, the symptoms are usually similar to other health problems. These symptoms may include pain in the arms and legs, yellowing of the skin, and a loss of appetite. Other signs of metastatic cancer may be different from those experienced by people with localized cancer. For instance, those with liver metastasis may have difficulty moving their hands and feet. In addition, they may suffer from nausea and fatigue.
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The most common symptoms of metastatic cancer are fatigue, dizziness, and weight loss. If cancer spreads to the brain or the bones, you may experience vision changes or experience a loss of appetite. Some of these symptoms can occur years after the primary tumor. For this reason, early detection is crucial in preventing the disease from spreading to other parts of the body. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
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Symptoms of metastatic cancer are often vague. The most common symptoms are leg and back pain, and can be attributed to the location of metastasis. A cancer with metastases in the brain or lungs may cause neurological issues, including headaches and difficulty walking. In rare cases, a patient may experience no symptoms at all or a few that may only be mild. In these instances, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider to determine if your symptoms are related to metastatic cancer.
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Among the most common symptoms of metastatic cancer are intense pain, increased susceptibility to fractures, and decreased ability to function. Some patients may experience anemia, or a weakened immune system. In the case of breast cancer, pain in the lungs and bone may be the first symptom. In case of liver cancer, joint pain and bone fractures are common symptoms. Similarly, brain cancer may cause problems with speech, memory, and personality.
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The symptoms of metastatic cancer depend on the type and location of the disease. Some people may experience headaches, seizures, or vision problems. They may also have a fever or feel fatigued. These symptoms may appear months after the first cancer treatment. In some cases, people with metastatic cancer do not even notice any symptoms until they find their tumors. A doctor will be able to diagnose the disease and provide treatment if necessary.