The most common Hodgkin lymphoma symptom is swollen lymph nodes, which usually do not go down within a couple of weeks. These swollen lymph nodes most commonly occur in the neck, above the collar bones. However, they may also develop in the armpit or groin. These symptoms are accompanied by pain, and they should be checked out by a healthcare professional.
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Swelling of the lymph nodes is another symptom of Hodgkin lymphoma. These symptoms are caused by the pressure of the swollen lymph nodes on nearby organs. These symptoms may include shortness of breath, pain in the neck, or leg swelling. Some people may also experience persistent fever for 14 days or more, even when the temperature does not rise above 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
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It is important to seek medical attention for any of these symptoms. The pain and swelling of lymph nodes are often the first signs of Hodgkin lymphoma. If the pain and swelling persist, you may have a more serious underlying condition. While you may be able to cope with the pain and discomfort, you should also be aware of the possibility of other illnesses. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you should contact a health care professional right away.
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Although symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma are not common, they should be noted by a doctor. If you have any of these symptoms, your doctor will determine which stage you're in. Asymptoms can include a cough, a loss of appetite, and leg swelling. The most common symptom is a fever, which is a sign of anemia. Some people may also have difficulty breathing.
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The most common Hodgkin lymphoma symptom is a painless swelling of the lymph node. During an infection, lymph nodes often swell and return to normal within a few months. Swollen lymph nodes are often a sign of other diseases, and patients may visit a physician for a lump that does not seem to be bothersome. Some people may experience a painful swelling.
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A person with these symptoms should not ignore them. Most of them are viral infections and cannot be easily diagnosed. But if the symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor immediately. A doctor will be able to evaluate the symptoms and determine if they are related to Hodgkin lymphoma or not. Your doctor will also provide you with information on how to treat the symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma.
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A patient with Hodgkin lymphoma may also have difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, or a mass in their chest. The patient may experience difficulty swallowing, and may experience night sweats. Additionally, they may experience swollen necks, and even infections. Those with lymphoma should seek treatment as soon as they notice these symptoms. A doctor should monitor their condition closely and take appropriate steps to cure the disease.
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One of the most common symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma is a swelling in a lymph node. This is not uncommon, as lymph nodes can sometimes swell during an infection and return to normal within a few weeks. The most common symptoms of Hodgkin lympha are nodular sclerosis. These types of the disease are usually diagnosed in the early stages.
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A person may experience several symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma. Swollen lymph nodes can be a sign of Hodgkin lymphoma, but they are not always painful. Some people have itchy skin, while others may experience chronic fatigue. The most common type of Hodgkin lymphoma symptom is a fever. If these symptoms are present, it is best to see a doctor to get a diagnosis.