Getting a second opinion can be vital if you have symptoms of parathyroid cancer. Although there are currently no official guidelines regarding the treatment of parathyroid cancer, many experts believe that all patients should undergo radioguided surgery. Seeing a doctor early can save your life. To learn more about the symptoms of this disease, visit our website. You can also learn about the symptoms of parathyroid cancer and treatment options.
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Diagnosing parathyroid cancer is not a simple process. You must be diagnosed by a healthcare provider who is trained in the diagnosis and treatment of this type of cancer. Diagnosis of this disease is essential as symptoms of this type of cancer can mimic other health problems. Most treatment options involve surgical removal of the tumor and calcium control medications. Although this treatment isn't always necessary, it may be the only option if you have severe symptoms or a calcium level above a certain level.
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The first sign of parathyroid cancer is high calcium levels. This is because the parathyroid gland secretes a hormone called PTH that helps the body store calcium. Normally, these hormones are located under the Adam's apple, in the neck. If they start to overgrow, they may produce too much of this hormone. This could lead to too much calcium in the blood. This condition is difficult to treat, but early detection is vital to preventing this life-threatening disease.
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Other symptoms of parathyroid cancer include swelling, pain, and difficulty swallowing. Symptoms associated with this condition include hoarseness, pain in the throat, and fever. It may be hard to tell if you're suffering from this disease without undergoing a radioactive chemical treatment. If you've been experiencing any of these symptoms, it's time to visit a healthcare professional as soon as possible.
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While the majority of people with parathyroid cancer survive the disease, more than half experience a recurrence. This can occur in the same spot as the initial diagnosis. This is because of how the cancer spreads. Local recurrence of the tumor is difficult to treat, as it may attach itself to vital structures like the esophagus, breathing tube, or major blood vessels in the neck. It can spread to other areas, such as the lungs, bones, and liver. This condition can lead to high calcium levels, dehydration, and an increased risk of infection.
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Some other signs of parathyroid cancer include weight loss, increased thirst, and changes in your voice. However, these symptoms are not necessarily related to parathyroid cancer and can be caused by other medical conditions. It's always best to consult a medical provider if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. The sooner you get an early diagnosis, the more likely you'll be able to treat the disease. This disease is usually treatable, but treatment depends on the symptoms.
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In addition to PTH hypersecretion, other symptoms of parathyroid cancer include bone pain, bone weakness, and an increase in calcium in the blood. PTH hypersecretion is a common symptom, but doctors may also prescribe ultrasound tests or a neck scan to further confirm the diagnosis. Surgical treatment is another option, although this is more invasive than previous options. The main advantage of minimally invasive parathyroidectomy is that recovery time is shorter and the pain is less.
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Hypercalcemia, an increase in calcium in the blood, and bone pain are the most common symptoms of parathyroid cancer. High calcium levels can cause skeletal and kidney problems. Up to 30 percent of patients with hypercalcemia will also develop kidney or skeletal issues. In severe cases, hypercalcemia can cause increased urinary output and an increased risk of bone fractures. Some patients may also experience nausea and abdominal pain, and some may also experience anemia.
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Unlike cancers, parathyroid tumor screening is not routine for people at average risk. Patients may experience symptoms of parathyroid cancer despite having no symptoms. Because symptoms of parathyroid cancer can be caused by other problems, early diagnosis is vital. Imaging tests can detect high levels of parathyroid hormone and calcium, as well as the size of the tumor. After these tests, your doctor can determine the cause of the symptoms and recommend a course of treatment.
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Many parathyroid patients have acid reflux, which can result from their high calcium levels. Fortunately, this problem will go away after the parathyroid tumor has been removed. Most people will be relieved of their acid reflux after the surgery, and no longer need acid reflux medication. This is an amazing and often life-changing event. However, if the problem persists, you may need emergency surgery to stop the bleeding.