There are two kinds of extracranial germ cell tumors. One is malignant, while the other is benign. In the latter, the cancer cells do not spread to other parts of the body. Symptoms of an extracranial germ cell tumor may include pain, fever, and weight loss. The first type of extracranial germ cell tumour is diagnosed through imaging tests. The second type is diagnosed through biopsy.
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The symptoms of a germ cell tumor vary depending on the type of tumor and the location in the body. In women, ovarian germ cell tumors usually cause pain and swelling in the abdomen. In men, the most common symptom is testicular pain. Other signs and symptoms of an extracranial germ cell cancer include pelvic pain and bloating. These signs and symptoms are a good indicator that you have a germ-cell tumor.
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An extracranial germ cell tumor can occur in any part of the body. Most often, it begins in the reproductive organs. The most common locations for an extracranial germ cell tumor are the sacrum and coccyx. The tumor can also originate in the mediastinum. If you've noticed any of these symptoms, it's time to see your doctor. They can diagnose and treat your condition.
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Treatment for germ cell tumors depends on where it is located. It can affect the central nervous system or in any part of the head. Patients usually have a high-grade fever and a decreased appetite. While there is no treatment for this type of extracranial tumors, they can benefit from radiation therapy and chemotherapy. While treatments vary depending on the location, a cancer may be cured through radiation therapy, surgery, or other treatments.
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When a germ cell tumor is present, it will not spread to other parts of the body. The tumor can be asymptomatic or cause pain. Acute fever, nausea, and vomiting can be signs of a germ cell tumor. It may also be difficult to diagnose. However, you can seek help by consulting your doctor. Symptoms of an extracranial germ cell tumour will vary between individuals.
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An extracranial germ cell tumor is located outside the brain. Usually, these tumors affect the testicles, ovaries, or brain, but they can also appear in other parts of the body. Unlike a symptom of a tumor in the brain, an extracranial germ cell tumor can cause pain, if it is located outside of the skull. It can lead to seizures and paralyzing the affected area.
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An extracranial germ cell tumor develops in the reproductive system. These germ cell tumors commonly occur in the ovaries, testicles, and sacrum. In addition to their presence in the brain, they can also occur in the lungs and sacrum. An extracranial germ cell tumor will usually develop on the lungs, and can cause problems during pregnancy and childbirth. The symptoms of an extracranial germ-cell tumour will depend on the type of the germ-cell tumor.
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When germ-cell tumors are located outside the brain, they are called extracranial. They are characterized by their location in the brain and elsewhere. If the tumor is located outside of the brain, it is called an extracranial germ-cell tumor. If it is outside of the brain, the tumor usually begins in the lower part of the spinal column. Therefore, they are known as gonadal germ-cell tumors.
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The symptoms of an extracranial germ-cell tumor may be mild or severe. Depending on the location, the tumor may be in the middle of the spinal column. It is surrounded by blood vessels and may be difficult to detect with the naked eye. In children, the tumor can spread to other parts of the body. If it affects the head, it is likely to cause symptoms, but it is usually not life-threatening.
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Children with extracranial germ-cell tumors require ongoing care. Often, they will have frequent visits to the oncologist and other health care providers. They will receive imaging tests to detect any abnormalities, such as the presence of the tumor in the brain. Some symptoms of extracranial germ cell tumors are described below. The most common symptom of this type of cancer is a growth of the germ cells in the head. It may be small and slow-growing, or it may be large and in the middle.