There are a variety of signs and symptoms of endometrial cancer. The most common is abnormal vaginal bleeding. The blood can be watery or bloody-streaked and may contain a greater amount of blood than normal. This can happen during or after menopause, and it's important to discuss these symptoms with a doctor. Your physician can perform a thorough exam to detect the cancer and determine whether or not you have it.
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Other symptoms of endometrial cancer include bleeding after menopause, pelvic pain, irregular heartbeat, and pain during or after sex. There are no specific tests that can detect this type of cancer, and the symptoms can be caused by other diseases. If the pain persists or worsens, you should seek medical attention. Some women experience heavy bleeds after menopause. The main symptom of endometrial ovarian cancer is heavy vaginal bleeding past the time of menopause. Some women experience painful vaginal bleeding during the peri-menopausal years.
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When considering endometrial cancer, it's important to understand the symptoms and how they relate to your family's history of the disease. If you have a family history of cancer, your doctor may want to perform a blood test and perform a physical examination of your vagina and cervix. In rare cases, your doctor may suggest additional tests or even surgery to detect the cancer. If a biopsy is required, a doctor will use a special probe to remove a small piece of endometrium.
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Regardless of the type of endometrial cancer, the symptoms of the disease are often obvious, but it can be difficult to know whether your cancer has spread. The American Society of Cancer says that most cases of endometrial cancer are adenocarcinomas. The two most common types are type 1 and type 2. The former is the more common and easier to treat. If you suspect you may have this disease, see your doctor as soon as possible.
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Bleeding after sex is the most common sign. It's also called postcoital bleeding. For women who have not reached menopause, this is called intermenstrual bleeding. Other symptoms of endometrial cancer include pain in the lower tummy and a feeling of swollen lymph nodes. Some women experience swelling of the legs or both.
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Early endometrial cancer symptoms are non-specific, but are more severe in the later stages. In the early stages, a woman may experience vaginal bleeding from spotting to heavy bleeding. Other signs of endometrial cancer include rectal pain, fatigue, and an undesired weight loss. The most common symptom of endometrial carcinoma is vaginal bleeding past menopause.
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The most common signs of endometrial cancer include bleeding after sex, abdominal pain, and menstrual cramps. Some of these symptoms may be normal, and others may be indicative of another gynecological disorder. When in doubt, a doctor can perform diagnostic tests to determine the underlying cause of the symptoms and to determine the best treatment. While the symptoms of endometrial cancer are unique to each woman, other signs of the disease include the following.
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Symptoms of endometrial cancer include pelvic pain during sexual intercourse, persistent pelvic pain, and difficulty emptying the bladder. Some of these symptoms are similar to those of other noncancerous conditions, such as fibroids and endometriosis. The most common signs of endometrial cancer include chronic abdominal and rectal pain, bloating, and vaginal bleeding.
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An abnormal vaginal discharge, including vaginal pain and heavy bleeding, may indicate endometrial cancer. Although the discharge is not always bloody, it may be indicative of the condition. If the bleeding is heavy, go to the emergency room immediately. A doctor will perform an MRI. If the tumor is diagnosed, it can spread to distant organs. For this reason, it's important to seek early diagnosis and treatment of the condition.
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Patients with endometrial cancer should be evaluated for vaginal bleeding. The frequency of these examinations will depend on the stage of the disease. Typically, a patient will be seen every three to six months for the first two years after diagnosis. Imaging studies may be performed from time to time. Recurrent endometrial cancer is most likely located in the top of the vagina. Typical signs and symptoms of the disease are vaginal bleeding and abnormal uterine bleeding.