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Craniopharyngioma in Childhood Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Craniopharyngioma in Childhood

The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are very similar to those of many other childhood diseases. Typically, the child will have a headache and difficulty breathing. But there are other signs and symptoms of this disease as well. For example, the child may have a fever. In some cases, the child may develop a facial rash. In any case, the child will have a lump in the head.

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A craniopharyngioma tumor can cause headaches, visual changes, and endocrine changes. It can also affect the blood vessels and cerebrospinal fluid pathways. The symptoms of craniopharyngioma depend on the structures and organs affected by the tumor. The child will have a physical examination and a neurological exam. Treatment options for craniopharyngioma are different for different individuals.

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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are quite similar to those of a tumor in other parts of the body. The patient will experience increased intracranial pressure and ataxia. The patient may also suffer from enlarged head circumference. The child may also experience short stature. In 86% of cases, the tumor will also affect the child's growth. A doctor will determine the cause of the condition and will discuss treatment options.

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In rare cases, the craniopharyngioma may grow inside the brain. The tumor is typically found in the pituitary gland, which secretes hormones into the bloodstream. Sometimes the craniopharyngioma will spread to other areas of the brain. It can cause vision problems and other complications. Some children with this condition may have enlarged head circumference and have papilledema, which is a swelling of the head.

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Most craniopharyngioma in childhood symptoms will be limited to those of the mouth. In most cases, the tumor will grow slowly and will not cause serious health problems. However, if the tumor is large, it can lead to a range of complications. It can compress important areas of the brain, including the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. When it becomes too large, the child may experience hydrocephalus and have elevated intracranial pressure.

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The most common craniopharyngioma in children causes a severe headache. The enlarged head is a symptom of a tumor within the skull. Patients with a swollen head may have a smaller head circumference than normal. This is a sign that the tumor has spread to the brain. It can cause a range of symptoms. While there is no single symptom specific for craniopharyngioma, some people may experience a variety of other signs and symptoms.

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Ataxia, which is a symptom of increased intracranial pressure, is a common sign of craniopharyngioma. In addition to the tumor itself, there are other signs and symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood. As it grows, the surrounding tissues may begin to shrink. The child may also have a change in their ability to breathe.

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If the mass grows in the brain, it may affect the child's vision and its ability to function properly. As the tumor gets larger, it can press on nearby brain structures and cause other complications. It may even cause early or delayed puberty. The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood include a enlarged head circumference, nausea, vomiting, and weight loss. In some cases, the child may have a tendency to become obese or to develop a thyroid disease.

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Most craniopharyngiomas in children are benign. However, they can compress important anatomical structures in the head. In addition, the tumor may cause seizures. Symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood can be very distressing and should not be ignored. But, the symptoms of the disease will depend on the type and location of the tumor and the overall health of the child.

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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are not limited to vision and hearing. Most children will develop a delayed-puberty due to the tumor. The tumor may also affect the child's hormones. If the tumor extends into other parts of the brain, it may cause some of these symptoms. The asymptomatic symptoms of this condition in childhood may include calcium deposits or cysts.


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