The Atypical Teratoid/Rabbdoid Tumor (AT/RT) is a relatively new, aggressive subtype of pediatric tumors. These tumors typically affect young children and infants. The U.S. National Cancer Institute recently held a Workshop on Childhood Atypical Territoid/Rhabdoid and Central Nervous System. Twenty-two scientists from 14 institutions discussed the biology of AT/RT. The consensus paper describes the genetic and molecular features of AT/RT. Patients with a mutation in the INI1 gene are more likely to develop a rhabdoid tumor.
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Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors occur in the central nervous system and are uncommon in adults. Although they occur in children, it has also been reported in adults. This type of cancer typically has symptoms that vary depending on the location and age of the patient. Most often, the tumor is located in the cerebral hemisphere or sellar region. While the presence of rhabdoid cells is indicative of a diagnosis of AT/RT, no specific diagnostic tests exist for adult patients.
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Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors are usually associated with a mutation of the ATRT gene. This mutation is inherited or occurs spontaneously. In children with an inherited ATRT mutation, the risk of other types of tumors increases. In adults, treatment for ATRT may be a life-saving option. The best way to find out if your child has an ATRT tumour is to see your doctor.
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Atypical Teratoid/Rhomboids are extremely rare in children. The disease typically progresses despite the initial diagnosis. It is a life-threatening complication if left untreated, requiring surgery and chemotherapy. Acute teratoid/rhabdoid tumors can be fatal. If symptoms persist, it may be an indication of ATRT.
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Atypical Teratoid/Rhomboids are rare tumors of the central nervous system. Most cases occur in the cerebellum and brain stem. The ATRT is considered to be a type of rhabdoid tumor. It can occur outside the brain and can spread to other parts of the body. This is the most common form of ATR, but it is not the only form.
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The Atypical Teratoid/Rhombid Tumor is a malignant tumor of the central nervous system. It is often mistaken for a medulloblastoma. However, the tumors in children are rare. At a stage when symptoms of an ATRT have become apparent, it is time to consult a pediatrician.
Symptoms of Atypical Teratoid/Rhombid Tumor are not consistent in all patients. In some cases, symptoms include a lump in the spine or brain. Other symptoms include a sudden, throbbing sensation in the lower leg. Atypical Teratoid/RHMTs are rare in adults and children, but they do not require immediate treatment.
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Atypical teratoid/Rhabdoid tumors occur in the central nervous system, mainly the cerebellum and brain stem. It is rare in adults, but it can also affect older children and adults. The onset of these tumors may be accompanied by other symptoms. Atypical Teratoid/RHMTs can be very painful to the affected area.
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Atypical teratoid/RH tumors are characterized by an overgrowth of malignant cells in the brain tissues. These tumors typically affect children less than three years of age, but they can also occur in adults and older children. Atypical Teratoid/RHMT can cause general and specific symptoms, as well as general signs of infection or atypical teratoid rhabdoid recurrence.
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Symptoms vary among different patients. Atypical teratoid/RH tumors can cause trouble walking and balance. The disease may develop in two parts of the body at the same time. The most common signs are headache and loss of coordination and balance. The severity of the symptoms varies with the age of the affected patient. Some patients may have both signs.
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The most common signs of ATRT are pain, fever, and vomiting. At the same time, these tumors usually develop rapidly. The patient may develop several symptoms. The child might have atypical teratoid/Rhabdoid tumor Symptoms are not always obvious, but the disease is often treated early. Besides the above-mentioned Atypical Teratoid/Rhombid Tumor Symptoms